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Considerations on Migration Flows in Brazil | 2011
About - 2011
The phenomenon of population mobility has undergone significant transformations since the last decades of the 20th century, not only in Brazil but also in other parts of the world. These changes have, so far, demanded enormous efforts from scholars in search of theoretical explanations to new processes. These are visible in the country, among other factors, both because of the redirecting of migration flows towards medium-sized cities instead of big urban centers, and of the pendular movement which has become more relevant as a survival strategy for persons who area no longer to urban agglomerates.
Aiming at contributing to the contemporary discussion on this subject, IBGE experts and researchers from the Transversal Group of Studies of the Territory and Spatial Movement - GEMOB provide a set of six studies on a number of dimensions of the population movement in Brazil.
The first study, Some theoretical approaches to the migration phenomenon, is dedicated to theoretical thinking and deals with the current debate about this matter, bringing contributions from several different lines of thought, at national and international level, making it possible to create an important starting point for the analyses presented. It also introduces perspectives which identify, withing the change of the capital accumulation pattern, a structuring line for the new scenario of migration.
The two following studies A panorama of migration flows in Brazil: PNADs and Population Censuses and The investigation of internal migration, considering the Brazilian Population Censuses of 1970 to 2010 provide an overall view of internal migration in the first decade of the 21st century, with analyses about inter-region and interstate movements as all as changes occurred in statistical surveys, having as references the surveys conducted by the IBGE.
The study Considerations on pendular mobility deals with pendulum-like movements as an expression of the different dimensions of contemporary economy and society, entities which account for the creation of new territories and societies in the places of origin (household) and destination (labor, education, leisure and other activities related to human action). It also proposes a new look, of both methodological and theoretical nature, on this type of population displacement.
International migration is the focus of analysis in Estimates of international migration in Brazil: old and new challenges , which presents considerations about calculation procedures and discusses possible uses of information referring to international emigration as investigated by the 2010 Population Census.
The final study Perspectives for the measurement of the migration phenomenon in Brazil , approaches the analytical possibilities for a beter understanding of this phenomenon, seen from 2010 onwards, considering the results of the 2010 Population Census and of the Migration supplement of the National Household Sample Survey - Continuous PNAD.
Publications - 2011
Reflexões sobre os deslocamentos populacionais no Brasil
Material type: Book
Year: 2011