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Other Websites
2000 Census
Information about the 2000 Population Census.
2007 Censuses
Information about the planning and operation of the Census of Agriculture and 2007 Population Count.
2010 Census
Information about all the steps of the 2010 Census, highlighting the results.
2017 Census of Agriculture
Information about the major investigation of the agricultural production in Brazil.
2022 Census
Information about all the steps of the 2022 Census.
Answering to the IBGE
Area where the IBGE informant clarifies doubts and checks the identity of interviewers.
Articles and Presentations
Articles published by IBGE technicians and institutional presentations in PDF format.
Database comprising the microdata and metadata of the IBGE´s statistical surveys.
Brazil in Summary
National overview with graphics about the territory, population, education, labor and others.
Brazil – 500 Years of Population
Overview of the occupation of the Brazilian territory.
Brazilian Journal of Geography
One of the oldest technical-scientific publications in the area of Geography and related sciences.
Brazilian Journal of Statistics
The oldest statistical journal in Brazil, publishing works in Applied Statistics.
Annual report of the statistical data of BRICS member countries.
Files from all the IBGE areas to be downloaded.
Electronic Questionnaires
Downloadable programs to fill IBGE questionnaires and transmit answers.
National School of Statistical Sciences, higher education institution within the IBGE.
Geodetic Database
Information about the reference stations that comprise the Brazilian Geodetic System.
IBGE Explains
YouTube channel didactically approaching subjects based on IBGE studies.
IBGE Teaches
Portal destined to education, with up-to-date and fun contents about Brazil.
Portal that catalogs, integrates and harmonizes geospatial data in governmental institutions.
Institutional Memory
Disseminates publications, videos, testimonies and other products of the IBGE´s corporate memory.
Interactive maps
Applications with maps covering different themes
Online collection of books, journals, photographs, maps and IBGE data collection tools.
Map Portal
All the maps of the IBGE publications to be printed or accessed interactively.
Structured data about the statistical and geoscientific information produced by the IBGE.
News Agency
News and releases about the production of statistics and geosciences by the IBGE.
School Atlas
Animated illustrations about geography and cartography and search in maps of Brazil and of the world.
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
Information system to follow up the 2030 Agenda in Brazil.
Tables with aggregate data of the surveys carried out by the IBGE.
SMI – IBGE Seminar on Methodology
Annual IBGE event that discusses methodologies related to the production of information.
Social Statistics Committee
Partnership between producers of administrative records, social surveys and censuses.
Statistical Series
Time and statistical series disseminated by the IBGE.
Statistics of the 20th Century
Spreadsheets with data from the Brazilian Statistical Yearbook and Historical Statistics of Brazil.
Virtual Store
IBGE statistical and geoscientific publications for sale or download.