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IBGE will release, on March 20, as Experimental Statistics, the Semiannual Survey of Innovation 2023: basic indicators

The IBGE will release, at 10 am on March 20, as Experimental Statistics, the Semiannual Survey of Innovation 2023: basic indicators, in Brazilian industrial companies with a hundred or more employed persons. Reference period: 2023.

Among the main statistics produced, the survey will present the percentage of companies that introduced innovations in business products and processes, including the domestic and foreign market, and with expenditure on Research and Development. Other topics surveyed are related to support to innovation, cooperation and the obstacles and problems related to innovation activities. 

Semiannual PINTEC is a project conceived in partnership between the IBGE, the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development – ABDI and the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – IE/UFRJ.

These statistics are classified as experimental and statistics and must be treated with care, as the new statistics are still being tested.

Direcorate of Surveys
February 5, 2025

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