Monthly Survey of Trade
With a change of -0.1%, retail sales are stable in January
March 14, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 16, 2025 04h24 PM

In January 2025, volume of retail trade sales changed by -0.1%. As a result, the sector shows stability and remains only 0.6% below its record level, which was hit in October 2024. Against January last year increased by 3.1%, twentieth positive rate in this comparison. The data come from the Monthly Survey of Trade, released today (14) by the IBGE.
Cristiano dos Santos, manager of the Monthly Survey of Trade, explains that, despite the third consecutive negative rate, the interpretation of results in the last few months shows stability. “We should keep in mind that the maximum of the time series marginal results is in October 2024. After reaching this record level in October, trade went on having changes very close to zero, leading to a phenomenon of stability in with high results."
Among the eight retailactivities, there were four increases and four drops
Reflecting stability of the general rate in the seasonally adjusted series, four of the eight activities in retail trade had positive rates, whereas four decreased. Office, computer and communication material and equipment (5.3%), Fuels and lubricants (1.2%), Other personal and household articles (0.7%) and Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (0.6%) increased, whereas Fabric, apparel and footwear (-0.1%), Furniture and household appliances (-0.2%), Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (-0.4%) and Pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic articles and toiletries (-3.4%) dropped.
According to Cristiano, the only activity to have a real negative result from December to January was pharmaceuticals. “Considering the four negative changes, three were very close to zero, among which the sector of hypermarkets and supermarkets, which recorded a rate of -0.4%. With positive results is the sector of computing, whcih had been affected by the appreciation of the dollar, but recovered this month.”
Also in the adjusted series, both activities of extended retailtrade also had increase in sales in January: Vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces (4.8%) and Construction material (3.0%).
Against the same month in 2024, sales increased in seven of the eight activities
Against the same month last year, volume of retail sales increased by 3.1%, with increases in six of the eight activities surveyd: Pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic articles and toiletries (6.2%), Other personal and household articles (4.5%), Furniture and household appliances (4.4%), Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (2.8%), Fabric, apparel and footwear (2,6%), Office, computer and communication material and equipment (1.9%) and Fuels and lubricants (1.1%). The only negative change was that of Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (-0.2%).
As for extended retail trade, Vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces increased 8.9% from January 2024, Construction material, by 3.9% and Wholesale trade of food products, beverages and tobacco dropped by 10.4%.
Retail had positive rates in 15 of the 27 Federation Units against the previous month
In the comparison between December 2024 and January 2025, in the seasonally adjusted series, volume of retail trade sales increased in 15 of the 27 Federation Units, with a highlight to: Amapá (13.1%), Tocantins (4.6%) and Mato Grosso (3.1%). On the other hand, 11 Federation Units recorded negative results, among which Sergipe (-3.9%), Roraima (-3.5%) and Alagoas (-2.0%). Espírito Santo registered stability (0.0%).
In this same comparison, extended retail trade had positive results in 21 of the 27 Federation Units, among which stand out: Amapá (13.5%), Tocantins (10.2%) and Mato Grosso (5.5%). The rates dropped in six Federation Units: Roraima (-2.7%), Alagoas (-2.5%), Sergipe (-2.3%), Maranhão (-1.6%), Piauí (-1.3%) and Pernambuco (-0.3%).
According to the manager of PMC, “the positive results come from a local performance of the activity of hypermarkets and supermarkets above the national average, as in Amapá and Tocantins. on the other hand, the activity of Fabric, apparel and footwear led to the fall of results.”
Against January 2024, there were positive rates in 23 of the 27 Federation Units, especially in Amapá (14.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (10.8%) and Santa Catarina (8.3%). four states recorded negative rates: Mato Grosso (-6.8%), Roraima (-5.2%), Sergipe (-2.0%) and Rondônia (-1.4%).
As for extended retail, the comparison between January 2024 and January 2025 shows positive results in 21 of the 27 Federation Units, mainly in Amapá (16.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (12.1%) and Santa Catarina (7.8%). Six Federation Units reached negative results in sales: , Maranhão (-6.9%), Roraima (-4.9%), Mato Grosso (-4.5%), Sergipe (-2.8%), São Paulo (-0.8%), Bahia (-0.3%) and Alagoas (-0.2%).
More about the survey
PMC produces indicators to monitor the short-term behavior of retail trade in Brazil, investigating the gross revenue of formal enterprises with 20 or more employed persons and whose major activity is retail trade. Having started in 1995, the PMC brings monthly results of changes in sales volume and nominal revenue for retail trade and extended retail trade (cars and construction material) for Brazil and Federation Units. Results can be accessed on Sidra. The next PMC release, with the results for February 2024, will be on April 09.