IBGE releases Continuous Vector Cartographic Base of Goiás and Federal District
November 30, 2016 09h19 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 03h18 PM
The IBGE releases today the continuous vector cartographic base of the State of Goiás and the Federal District (BC100/GO_DF), in the 1:100,000 scale (1cm = 1,000 m), which can be freely accessed here. This is the first set of vector geospatial data of the BC100 Project made available to the Brazilian society. In order to be used in Geographic Information Systems, the cartographic base provides information related to spatial positioning, geographic names and classification of the elements represented in digital format.
The BC100 Project aims at mapping all the 27 Federation Units in the 1:100,000 scale, giving rise to a more detailed nationwide cartographic product than those currently available. The continuous vector cartographic bases comprising this project are generated from the interpretation of images of ALOS/AVNIR-2 and RapidEye satellites, complemented with information produced by partner institutions and government agencies.
The digital files that comprise the BC100/GO_DF are available in free format (Shape File, GeoPackage and Dump of the PostGISdatabase), for use in Geographic Information Systems and compatible with a number of software that read this type of data. The BC100/GO_DF brings information on Hydrography, Transportation System, Energy and Communications, Water Supply and Basic Sanitation, Education and Culture, Economic Structure, Localities and Limits of the represented area. The geodetic reference system is SIRGAS2000, including a system of geographic coordinates.
The major applications of the base involve government programs with a territorial approach, providing analyses that demand an overall view of the Federation Units, as well as thematic representations – social, economic and environmental – of the territory. The BC100/GO_DF can also be accessed through INDE and its metadata can be found in the IBGE´s metadata directory.