IBGE celebrates the 30th anniversary of its ecological reservation in the Federal District
December 14, 2005 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 29, 2019 12h44 PM
IBGE celebrates today, at 10 o’clock, the 30th anniversary of its Ecological Reservation – RECOR, located in the Federal District. The event will have the participation of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Marina Silva, and of the President of IBGE, Eduardo Pereira Nunes. There will be a presentation of the main projects in progress at the institution and the launch of the CDs "Ecological Reservation – RECOR" and "Environmental Diagnosis of the Ecological Reservation of IBGE". The participants will be able to visit an exhibition of photographs, a display of collections and of scientific works on the fauna and flora of the Brazilian Savannah.
Located in an area called Chapada de Brasília, 35km to the South of the center of the city, and with altitude of 1100m, RECOR has an area of 1400 hectares. It holds the main types of vegetation of the Central Plateau. The area was donated by the government of the Federal District in 1961 and transformed in a Reservation in December 1975.
Now, turning 30 years, the reservation is a reference concerning long-duration ecological researches, and has accumulated experience in the production of scientific knowledge and in the preservation of the biological diversity of the Plateau. More than 820 bibliographical references, resulting from the researches in the area, have been produced.
The flora of the Reservation is very rich, with 1829 species of vascular plants, of which 1503 are native and 326 exotic. It presents rare and endemic species, others in risk of extinction and also economically-relevant species. Special highlight must be given to needlegrass, pacari-da-mata, carapia, taquara-mansa and orchids.
The fauna is also rich and diverse, containing groups that are characteristic of the Plateau, besides rare, endemic species, as well as those in risk of extinction. The highlights are Brasilia Tapaculos, pirá-brasília and other mammals, such as giani anteaters, pampas deers, maned wolves, ocelots, crab-eating foxes, cougars and giant armadillos.
The area of the Reservation has five rivers which form the bay of Taquara Streak, which belong to the Bay of Ribeirão da Gama, and whose Northwest part borders the Ecological Station of the Brasilia Botanic Garden, and Southeast part borders Fazenda Água Limpa – area of research and experiments of the University of Brasília . The Southern part of the Reservation borders road BR 251.
Nowadays RECOR is part of the mosaic of protected areas in the Federal District; it is the central zone of the Reservation of Plateau Biosphere – Phase 1 (COBRAMA/UNESCO Program); it composes the area of Environmental Protection – APA Distrital Gama Cabeça-de-Veado; it is also part of Federal APA of the Central Plateau.
The Ecological Reservation of IBGE receives researchers from all Brazil and from several countries and aims at contributing to the preservation, restoration, recuperation and sustainable use of Plateau ecosystems.
Additional information:
Further information about the Ecological Reservation of IBGE is available on the web site : www.recor.org.br.
E-mail: servicos@recor.org.br
Reserva Ecológica do IBGE
Caixa Postal 08770
BR 251 Km 0 BSB/Unaí - Brasília -DF - Brasil
CEP 70312-970
Telephone Numbers:
61 - 3562 6821 / 2262 / 0112