IBGE will give methodological support to ANATEL index
October 31, 2005 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 30, 2019 03h37 PM
The presidents of IBGE, Eduardo Pereira Nunes, and of the National Agency of Telecommunications (ANATEL) sign today, October 31, an accord on the development of the IST (Index of Telecommunication Services) methodology. The event will take place at 3 pm, at the headquarters of ANATEL, in Brasília.
The new index, created to readjust the taxes of telecommunication services, will be calculated by ANATEL based on the methodology developed in partnership with IBGE. If required, IBGE will participate in the possible reviews of IST, to be done together with ANATEL. The accord is supposed to last twelve months, extendable for other twelve, up to the maximum limit of sixty months.
The formula for the calculation of IST is available on the ANATEL web site (www.anatel.gov.br), under Public Consultation 647. Suggestions regarding the methodology of the new index will be received by the agency until midnight on November 1, 2005.