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The IBGE releases an unprecedented survey of the most usual names in Brazil, detected by the 2010 Population Census. 130,348 different names were...
Aiming at showing the role of Brazil in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG indicators at the United Nations – UN, pivotal...
In 2015, environment permitting for enterprises and activities of local environmental impact was a reality for 30.4% (1,696) of the municipalities...
March estimate for 2016 210.0 million metric tons March / February 2016 change -0.6% ( - 1.3 million metric tons) 2016...
In October 2015, the total number of salaried employed persons in industry fell 0.7% over the previous month level, in the seasonally-adjusted...
Indicator / period November2015 October2015 November2014 Unemployment rate 7.5% 7.9% 4.8% Usual real...
The slaughter of hogs and pigs in Brazil in the 3rd quarter of 2015 was of 10.18 million head, registering a record since the beginning of the...
In 2014, 24 out of the 27 states and 6% of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities supported the production of 1,849 movies. Rio Grande do Sul (60...
The expenditure with the final consumption of health goods and services in Brazil added up to R$ 424 billion in 2013, corresponding to 8.0% of...
The IBGE makes available today (December 03) the 3rd edition of the Technical Manual of Pedology (soil science), in two versions: a thorough...
In 2014, life expectancy at birth in Brazil was 75.2 years (75 years, 2 months and 12 days), with an increment of 3 months and 18 days in relation...
IBGE makes available new version of Brazil's geoid undulation model (MAPGEO2015) The IBGE makes available today (11/30/2015), in partnership...
On September 3, two new GPS and GLONASS satellite tracking stations of continuous operation, of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring...
The IBGE launches today, September 9, 2015, the 2015 edition of the bilingual annual publication Brazil in Figures in an event at the Art Museum/Cultural...
The Survey of Basic State Information (Estadic) and the Survey of Basic Municipal Information (Munic) are now released as a single edition....
In 2014, all the Federation Units developed actions, programs or projects of productive inclusion, a set of policies aimed at acquiring skills...
Among women whose last delivery occurred between 01/01/2012 and 27/07/2013, 45.3% had a normal delivery and 54.7% had a Caesarean section. More...
Based on the 'Maps Connecting the World' theme, the 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), of the International Cartographic...
In 2013, the Annual Survey of Trade (PAC) identified 1.6 million commercial enterprises in the country, which generated R$ 2.7 trillion of...
JULY estimate for 2015 209.0 milllion metric tons JULY/JUNE 2015 Change 1.3% (+2.6 thousand metric tons) Change...
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