IBGE and TRT-15 sign technical cooperation agreement
April 22, 2024 05h37 PM | Last Updated: April 23, 2024 07h24 PM
- IBGE and TRT-15 (Regional Labor Court - 15) sign technical cooperation agreement on conflict mediation.
- This is the first technical cooperation agreement between a national labor court and the Institute.
- The agreement provides for training sessions and sharing of data by both parties.

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Regional (TRT-15) signed, last Friday (19), a technical cooperation agreement with the objective of sharing knowledge about conflict mediation. The signature ceremony was held at the TRT-15 office in Campinas, hosted by the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, and the president of the Court, labor judge Samuel Hugo Lima.

Pochmann opened his talk with a remark about the importance of these two institutions for the country. “Given the profound changes in labor relations, we need agreements like this one, so that we can exchange information on the mediation of labor conflicts, such as harassment occurrences, for example,” said the president of the IBGE, who added that this is the first agreement signed with the Judicial Branch.
“The IBGE is the main producer of information in Brazil, about its states and municipalities, with a database of more than 1.5 trillion pieces of information that allow public administrators to access accurate and high-quality data that can help them assess and develop public policies, and, for the Judicial Branch, to provide information about the company’s economy, its companies and work relations and, therefore, to help in the decision making processes regarding the lawsuits dealt with by courts.”
Labor judge Samuel Lima highlighted the unprecedented nature of the agreement. “Labor justice must be in consonance with reality; by considering law alone we will become outdated. We need relevant information to expand our knowledge about the world and build a future with more justice for all citizens. I hope this agreement will the first one out of many, for the future of Brazil, a positive legacy for generations to come.”

Present at the ceremony were Denis Gimenez, advisor to the president of the IBGE, José Cardoso, IBGE regional coordinator, Jackson Medeiros, head of the IBGE Branch in Campinas, the Court’s administrative vice president, high court judge José Otávio de Souza Ferreira, high court judges Ana Lockmann and Eleonora do Carmo, besides other judges and court civil servants. The event was attended by 50 people, besides representatives of the local press.

The agreement establishes obligations for both parties, including the provision of training sessions on conflict mediation by TRT-15 to civil servants from the IBGE, and the sharing of relevant data and information for the improvement of legal practice within the jurisdiction. The IBGE will be in charge of training on data analysis offered to departments of TRT-15, such as the Statistics and Research Coordination and judicial Cooperation Department. Addendums and additional clauses are allowed, according to the overall guidelines.